FAQ - Companies
- Necessary data
- Building routes
- Booking
- Sustainability Report
- Payment
How can I know the feasibility of the commuting service for my company?In order to know the feasibility of the commuting home-work for your company, it is necessary to provide the address of your workers (anonymously), the working hours and any other characteristics of your company that can be considered necessary.
How are the routes and lines of your means of transport been built?
After a positive result from the feasibility analysis, we proceed on the designing of the lines of transport and the schedule of the routes, taking into account the anonymous pick-up points from the employees, working hours and any other eventualities. The goal is to maximize de use of the shuttle, granting an adequate affluence on buses, which capacity is going to be modified based on the amount of bookings and choosing strategic pick-up points near the addresses of the employees in order to maximize the efficiency of the service in the commuting home-work.
How does booking work?
Once the service is activated, it is going to be provided the necessary materials to spread the service among the employees. Parto f these materials there is a video that briefly explains the functioning of the shuttle and a manual of usage. After this, you will receive a dedicated link from your company through which the employees will be able to book their seats. The booking is binding.
Why is booking mandatory?
Booking is mandatory because it allows us to monitor the usage of the shuttle and make any modification (means of transport, lines, elimination of unused routes), in order to have a better savings for the company, in economic and sustainability terms. Also, it allows us to share the seats with other companies nearby so that the payment is proportional to the usage.
I have problems with booking online, what should I do?
Contact us inmediately at commuting@busforfun.com, we will get back to you to help.
What is a Sustainability Report?
Based on the usage of the platform, we can get to know how many employees have actually used the shuttle. From this and through our BI, we can calculate the kms saved with respect to private car and we can elaborate a sustainability report personalized and certified by an organization accredited. The report can be sent to your company.
How does the payment work?
The company can choose to either pay the total of the service or make the employees to pay for it, or through a hybrid system of welfare.
How much does a seat cost?
The seats have different prices, based on the routes, affluence of the means of transport and the agreements between companies.
Can I pay through MEPA?
Yes, we have MEPA payment available.
How can I pay?
It is possible to pay through credit card, Paypal, and any PostePay cards.